Goan Clams

1 Kg live Clams
2 medium onions sliced
1/2 tsp tamarind paste (or juice of 1/2 lemon)
2 tbsp fresh shredded coconut (or desiccated)

Fresh coriander for garnish

3 tbsp fresh shredded coconut (or desiccated)
3-4 green chillies (adjust according to taste)
3 cloves garlic
1/4 tsp fresh ginger
1 tsp cumin seeds
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1/4 tsp pepper powder
2 tbsp coriander seeds

1.  Wash clams well to drain away sand. Discard any that are open. (clams should be closed if live!).
2.  Blend the spice mix to a coarse paste with little water.
3.  Lightly brown the sliced onions in hot oil in a wok or fry pan.  Add the spice paste and tamarind paste and cook for about 5 mins.
4.  Now add the clams. Mix well and cook with lid ON. In a few minutes the clams should start to open - this means they are cooked. (discard any that are still closed).

5.  Season and garnish with fresh coriander.  Serve with rice or crusty bread.

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